Shawne Fielding wurde am 27. Juni 1969 in El Paso, TX, USA geboren. Sie wuchs an verschiedenen Orten in Texas auf und absolvierte 1987 die Coronado High School in Lubbock, Texas. Nach ihrem Abschluss arbeitete sie ein Jahr lang als Model in New York, bevor sie nach Dallas, Texas zog. Sie ist auch heute noch international als Model tätig.
Bei Schönheitswettbewerben wurde sie im Jahr 1992 zur Miss Dallas USA gekürt (6. Platz bei der Wahl zur Miss Texas USA). Im Jahr 1995 gewann sie als Mrs. Dallas America den Titel der Mrs. Texas America (3. Platz bei der Wahl zur Mrs. America). Sie studierte an der Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, TX USA, wo sie 1995 einen Bachelor-Abschluss (BA) in Werbung mit Nebenfach Psychologie erwarb.
Sie arbeitete während ihres Studiums an der SMU einmal in der Woche als freiwillige Hilfskraft am Presbyterian Hospital und diente in ihrer Freizeit als Wahlhelferin für die US-Präsidentschaftswahl im Jahr 1992.
Zu dieser Zeit begann sie mit ihrem ehrenamtlichen Hilfsdienst bei der Organisation DIFFA Dallas (Design Industry Fighting Aids). Im Rahmen des DIFFA 2000-Events in Dallas, TX wurde ihr der Honorary Chairperson Award für ihr Engagement im Dienst der LGBTQ-Community und ihren Einsatz für die Sensibilisierung für das Thema AIDS/HIV verliehen. Sie fungierte auch als Vorstandsmitglied der gemeinnützigen Organisation Aids Arms - heute Prism Health North Texas, USA.
Shawne Fielding hat viele Benefiz-Veranstaltungen für ganz unterschiedliche Gruppen und Organisationen geleitet und moderiert. Sie hat von der Bank Julius Bär Schweiz gesponserte Spenden an das Frauenhaus in Bern und an die Schule für blinde Kinder in Baar überreicht.
In Berlin hat sie Spenden für das Behandlungszentrum für Folteropfer (Flüchtlinge) gesammelt und so dazu beigetragen, das Thema einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit nahe zu bringen. Hierfür wurde sie am 27. Juni 2000 vom Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) mit dem Titel «Berliner des Tages» ausgezeichnet. Auf kulturellem Gebiet hat sie Geld für den Wiederaufbau der im Zweiten Weltkrieg bombardierten Dresdner Synagoge gesammelt.
Shawne Fielding hat die Innenräume von vier historisch bedeutenden Gebäuden entworfen, restauriert und/oder neu eingerichtet. Als historische Residenz mit besonders bemerkenswerter Inneneinrichtung gilt unter anderem die Schweizer Botschaft in Berlin (, die sie persönlich im Jahr 1998 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Innenarchitekten des Schweizer Ministeriums neu einrichtete und so den Glanz des Klassizismus wiederherstellte. Im Jahr 2002 war Fielding an der Restaurierung der Highland Park Residence am Beverly Drive in Dallas, TX USA ( beteiligt. Die Restaurierung umfasste die Innenräume, die Fassade sowie die Neugestaltung der Gartenanlage in Zusammenarbeit mit einem professionellen Landschaftsarchitekten. Dem Komplex wurde so die Pracht des spanischen Kolonialstils zurückgegeben. Diese Arbeiten fanden statt, während Fielding in der Villa Kampffmeyer residierte, einer prächtig ausgestatteten Jugendstilvilla in Potsdam, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Schauplatz des Austauschs amerikanische Spione war( Im Jahr 2006 restaurierte sie in Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Architekten eine Fabrikantenvilla in Thalwil, Schweiz ( Sie leitete persönlich die Restaurierung und Renovierung und gestaltete sowohl die Innenräume als auch die Gartenanlagen neu. Sie entwarf zusammen mit einem professionellen Landschaftsgärtner ein kunstvolles neues Gartenkonzept und verhalf der Aussenanlage so wieder zu ihrer ursprünglichen Jugendstilpracht.
Shawne Fieldings Porträt und Teile ihrer Garderobe befinden sich als Dauerexponate im Deutschen Historischen Museum ( Ihre Schuhe und Kleidung sind Teil der Dauerausstellung des Schweizerischen Nationalmuseums ( Am 12. August 2001 nahm sie den Unspunnenstein in Empfang, einen schweren Stein mit grosser historischer Bedeutung in Bezug auf die Gründung der 26 Kantone, aus denen sich das Land - die Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft - zusammensetzt. Sie gab den Stein sofort an die Regierung zurück, da er 1984 gestohlen worden war(
Während der ersten Jahre des neuen Jahrtausends war Shawne Fielding Botschafterin der SOS-Kinderdörfer, einer weltweit tätigen Wohltätigkeitsorganisation für Waisenkinder. Sie amtierte zudem als Botschafterin für die Schweizer Expo 2002 und als Ehrendirektorin von UNICEF Deutschland für besondere Projekte. Seit 2005 ist sie Präsidentin der Stiftung Kids with a Cause Europe (
Im Jahr 2011 half sie, Geld für die Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels zum Zweck der sexuellen Ausbeutung in Zürich und Europa zu sammeln und das Bewusstsein für diese Thematik zu schärfen (
Im Jahr 2011 war sie als Botschafterin der Aids Hilfe Schweiz ( Gastgeberin diverser Wohltätigkeitsauktionen sowie der Tribute2Life Gala 2012 in Zürich.
Seit 1997 ist sie mehrmals in US-amerikanischen und Schweizer Filmen sowie in US-amerikanischen, Schweizer und deutschen Fernseh- und Radioprogrammen aufgetreten (
Shawne Fielding war zweimal verheiratet.
Ihr erster Ehemann, Charles Addison Williams (geb. 30. Dezember 1952), war ein Erbe der Sammons-Dynastie ( Die Eheschliessung fand am 27. Mai 1994 auf Maui, Hawaii, statt. Das Paar wurde am 1. März 1998 in Dallas, TX USA geschieden. Am 20. Mai 1998 wurde die Ehe in der Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills, CA USA, annulliert.
Die zivile Trauung der zweiten Ehe fand am 30. April 1999 in Bern mit Botschafter Thomas Gustav Borer (geb. 29. Juli 1957) statt. Die katholische kirchliche Trauung folgte am 5. Juni 1999 in der St. Ursen Kathedrale in Solothurn. Die Ehe wurde am 14. November 2014 in Wollerau SZ geschieden.
Shawne Fielding hat zwei Kinder aus ihrer zweiten Ehe.
Roman Thomas Borer-Fielding, geb. 27. Mai 2003, Dallas, Texas, USA
Ruby Augusta Grace Borer-Fielding, geb. 17. August 2007,Zürich, Schweiz.
Shawne Fieldings derzeitiger Lebenspartner ist seit 2014 der ehemalige Eishockeyprofi Patrick Schöpf, geb. 29. März 1969, der auch Mitglied der International Hockey Hall of Fame ist (öpf). Das Paar wohnt in Immensee SZ, Schweiz.
CV Shawne Fielding
Shawne Fielding was born in El Paso, TX USA on June 27, 1969. She was raised all over Texas and graduated from High School in 1987 from Coronado HS in Lubbock, Texas. After graduation she worked as a model in New York for a year before moving to Dallas, Texas and continues to model Internationally.
In the Pageant Industry she achieved Miss Dallas USA (5th Runner up to Miss Texas USA) 1992, Mrs. Dallas America winning Mrs. Texas America (3rd runner up at Mrs. America) 1995. She attended Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX USA at (SMU), where she earned a bachelor’s degree (BA) in Advertising with a minor in Psychology in 1995.
She began volunteering during her studies at SMU at Presbyterian Hospital once a week as a candy striper and served civically as voter’s registrar for the US presidential election in 1992.
She began volunteering during the same time at DIFFA Dallas (Design Industry Fighting Aids) and received an Honorary Chairperson Award for the DIFFA 2000 event in Dallas, TX for her dedication in serving the LGBTQ Community and bringing awareness forward for AIDS/HIV. She has also served on the board of the Non-Profit, Aids Arms - now Prism Health North Texas, USA.
Shawne Fielding has chaired and hosted many charitable events for different communities and organisations. She has donated gifts sponsored through Bank Julius Baer Switzerland to the Battered Women’s Shelter in Bern and to The Blind School for Children in Baar.
She has raised money and awareness in Berlin, Germany for the Centre for Torture Victims (refugees) for which she received the title “Berliner of the Day” from the TV station Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) on June 27th, 2000. Culturally, she has raised money for the rebuilding of the Dresden Synagogue bombed in WWII.
Shawne Fielding has designed, restored and/or decorated the interior of 4 historically significant homes. Historical residences of interior design significance include the Swiss Embassy in Berlin Germany 1998 ( she personally decorated the residence with the Interior Design Architect from the Swiss Ministry back to it’s Greek Revival Splendor. In 2002 the Highland Park Residence on Beverly Drive in Dallas, TX USA ( was restored - interior and exterior as well as designing the gardens with a professional landscape artists to original it’s original Art Deco Spanish Mission Magnificance. She did this while residing in The Villa Kampffmeyer a well appointed Art Nouveau Villa in Potsdam, Germany where American spies were exchanged after WWII ( In 2006 she restored a factory Villa Residence ( with professional architects. She personally over saw the restoration, renovation and decorated the interior as well as the exterior. She artistically designed the garden personally with a professional landscape firm back to all to its original Art Nouveau Glory.
Shawne Fielding’s portrait and clothing permanently reside in the National History Museum of Germany ( and her footwear and clothing permanently reside in Swiss National Museum ( On the 12th of August 2001 she received the Unspunnenstein a large stone of significant Swiss History in formation of their 26 Cantons or States that make up their country - the Nation of Switzerland. She immediately returned the stone to government as it had been stolen in 1984 (
During the early aughts Shawne Fielding served as and Ambassador for SOS Children’s Villages a charity for orphans World Wide, Ambassador for the Swiss Expo 2002 and Honorary Director of UNICEF Germany for special projects. She is currently the President of Kids with a Cause Europe ( since 2005.
In 2011 she helped raise awareness and money for fighting sex-trafficking in Zurich and Europe (
In 2011 she served as and ambassador for Aids Hilfe Schweiz ( hosting charity auctions as well as hosting as an Ambassador the Tribute2Life Gala in 2012 in Zurich, Switzerland.
She has appeared in US and Swiss Movies, US, Swiss and German Television and Radio programs numerous times ( since 1997.
Shawne Fielding has been married twice.
1st marriage was to Scion to the Sammons Fortune ( Charles Addison Williams (December 30th, 1952) on May 27th 1994, Maui Hawaii. The two were divorced on March 1st 1998, Dallas, TX USA and the marriage annulment granted on 20th of May, 1998 at Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills, CA USA
2nd Marriage was to Ambassador( Thomas Gustav Borer (July 29th, 1957) civil ceremony on the 30th of April 1999 in Bern, Switzerland. Catholic Wedding on June 5th 1999, St. Ursen Cathedral, Solothurn, Switzerland. Divorced November 14th 2014, Wollerau, SZ Switzerland.
Shawne Fielding has 2 children from her second marriage.
Roman Thomas Borer-Fielding May 27th, 2003 born in Dallas, Texas USA.
Ruby Augusta Grace Borer-Fielding August 17th, 2007 born in Zurich, Switzerland.
Shawne Fielding’s Current Common Law Spouse since 2014 is former professional Hockey Player and International Hall of Fame Member, (öpf) Patrick Schoepf (March 29th 1969) the couple resided in Immensee, SZ Switzerland.
Shawne Fielding (June 27th 1969) has a very close loving supporting family. Her Father George Fielding has an MBA and a Master’s Degree in Education. Captain George Fielding is retired from Navy with over 40 years of service to his government, residing in Ft. Worth, Texas. Shawne Fielding’s, Mother, Nancy Storrs has a Master’s Degree in Education and has been a school teacher for over 40 years also now retired living in Lubbock, Texas.
The parents of Shawne Fielding’s Mother were Dr. Charles L. Sonnichsen (from the Fresian islands, Germany) a Harvard graduate and Dean of the University of Texas for the Litrature Department. He was the first scholar to write over 40 historical books on the SouthWest Culture of North America. A part of the (UTEP)The University Texas at El Paso library is named after her grandfather The C. L. Sonnichsen Special Collections Department. Shawne Fielding has many relatives in Germany/Europe that are related to her maternal grandfather.
Shawne Fielding’s other Grandfather was Dr. Walter Schwidetzky an engineer that graduated from the University of Berlin, Germany. He worked at Peenemuende on internal guidance systems. In 1945 Dr. Walter Schwidetzky was brought over with Wernher von Braun after WWII to pioneer the space technology for the United States of America in Huntsville Alabama (Operation Paperclip) where much of the US space program started. Dr. Walter Schwidetzky was Polish (Former Germany) and he was the scientist responsible for breaking the sound barrier and the mathematician that calculated the moon landing for the USA. Shawne Fielding has many relatives in Switzerland and Germany that were related to her grandfather and her uncle, Walter Schwidetsky Jr. (her Uncle) an attorney (University of Baltimore) visits Shawne Fielding often here in Zurich and Germany as they have even more relatives in their family tree with German roots this would be naturally expected in a big, loving educated family. Ilse Schwidetzky famous anthropologist and Oscar Schwidetzky invented the ace bandage etc. etc…
Shawne Fielding is the oldest of 4 children. She graduated from a top North American University, Southern Methodist University and holds a Bachelor of Art’s in Advertising with a minor in Psychology. Shawne Fielding’s 18 month younger sister, Augusta Grace Fielding Cushman (1971) has been married since 1993 to her high school sweet heart and they have 6 children. Augusta Grace Fielding Cushman has a University Degree in Child Development and Social Work from Texas Tech University and is a State Authorized Foster Parent.
Shawne Fielding’s younger brother Chase Cunningham (1975) was the directer of marketing for Net Jet’s North America and has an MBA from Denver University. He is now the Vice President of Sales and Operations at Prime-PAC and lives in Flower Mound, Texas. Chase Cunningham is married since 2008 to Tracy Hurst Cunningham a civil rights lawyer. They have 2 children Marshall and Georgia.
Shawne Fielding’s youngest brother is Charles Matthew Fielding (1976) he is 7 years younger than Shawne Fielding. Charles Matthew Fielding has a son Cameron Fielding who is the same age as Roman Borer-Fielding. Charles is also a former US Navy solder and lives in North Richland Hills, Texas. He works for the city of NRH as a traffic engineer (times the lights)…etc..
Shawne Fielding’s birth father is Gary Cunningham the father of her brother Chase Cunningham. Shawne Fielding’s parents Nancy Sonnichsen and Gary Cunningham were divorced before Shawne Fielding was one years old and both remarried immediately. Nancy Sonnichsen Storrs marrying George Fielding and Gary Cunningham marrying Lola Cunningham.
Shawne Fielding remained in close normal contact with her birth father Gary Cunningham even though she was adopted by her step-father George Fielding. Shawne Fielding is very close to her birth paternal side of her roots. Gary Cunningham has a brother Kirk Cunningham that also has children in the age range of Shawne Fielding she has two cousins who she is very close with Chad Cunningham and Lance Cunningham all living in Lubbock, Texas.
Shawne Rae (Cunningham) Fielding b. 27 June 1969 El Paso, TX (legal name change from Cunningham to Fielding after her 18th birthday, 1987 Lubbock, TX
m. Charles Addison Williams, 27 May 1994, Maui Hawaii
Charlie b 30 December 1952 Dallas, TX
div. 1 March 1998, Dallas TX
m. Thomas Gustav Borer, 30 April 1999 Bern, Switzerland (civil ceremony), 5 June 1999, St. Ursen Cathedral, Solothrn, Switzerland
div. 14 November 2014, Wollerau, Schwyz (SZ) Switzerland
Shawne has 2 children with Thomas Borer
Roman Borer-Fielding May 27, 2003 born in Dallas, TX USA
Ruby Borer-Fielding August 17, 2007 born in Zurich, Switzerland
Shawne Fielding lives with Patrick Schoepf since 2014
Patrick Schoepf b March 29, 1969 Zurich, Switzerland
Shawne Fielding was born in El Paso. Raised in Lubbock, Houston, Odessa, Lubbock again and went to University in Dallas, TX.
Attended Permian High School - Odessa and graduated from Lubbock’s Coronado HS in 1987
Graduated SMU 1995 BA Advertising with minor in Psychology