
Covid19 Switzerland March 8th 2020 Coronavirus

I missed  a Jan. 26th  ✈️ to China 🇨🇳  luckily. 🍀 My flight was to a Shanghi - but you never know. The news of Wuhan broke. When there was NO reliable ℹ️ information on the internet that was credible (I live in Switzerland) 2 sources began to inform/ed me daily even before my government eventually did (Now the Swiss 🇨🇭Government is doing a Great 👍 JOB https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home.html 

We follow them (SWISS DEPT OF HEALTH) on Insta, FB, Twitter etc...unfortunately we have plenty of SCIENCE 🧬 DENIERS 🙄 spreading the Covid19  - Coronavirus that just don’t care and are not not following protocol. 

For other great 👍 information these two sources educated me before my own Department of Health 🥼 Dr. John Campbell updates his short informative youtube videos daily. And, so does John Hopkins University.  

Dr. John Campbell https://youtu.be/UVTyl7Y4IMo  
John Hopkins University https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 

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